Archeology News

57 stories

Secrets from the rainforest’s past uncovered in Amazonian backyards

A short walk through Amazon time: Interview with archaeologist Anna Roosevelt

Ancient ocean water found in Himalayas could offer insights about evolution

Australia crackdown on climate protesters grows amid fight against gas project

The Amazon’s archaeology of hope: Q&A with anthropologist Michael Heckenberger

‘Many features of the Amazon are man-made’: Q&A with archaeologist Eduardo Neves

Sulawesi hydropower dam could flood important archaeological sites

Chimpanzee nut cracking leaves telltale marks on stones, providing clues to human evolution

Giant kangaroo fossil points to previously unknown species in New Guinea

The controversial hunt for a multibillion-dollar treasure in a Chilean park

Humans have been transforming Earth for thousands of years, study says

Fire, cattle, cocaine: Deforestation spikes in Guatemalan national park

New ancient, giant carnivore described from bones in museum drawer

New species of ancient human found in a Philippine cave

Honduras aims to save vital wildlife corridor from deforestation

A Brazilian mourns what was lost in the National Museum fire

Researchers are looking into the past to help ensure a future for tropical forests

Pre-Columbian Amazon settlement primarily ate fish — more sustainable?

Discovery of ‘Lost City’ spurs conservation pledge

Drones to scan the Amazon rainforest for hidden civilizations

Giant stone face unveiled in the Amazon rainforest (video)

It only took 2,500 people to kill off the world’s biggest birds

A garden or a wilderness? One-fifth of the Amazon may have been savannah before the arrival of Europeans

By the bones: herring populations were superabundant before commercial fisheries

Through careful management, indigenous people have shaped Asian rainforests for 11,000 years

Madagascar occupied by humans 2,500 years earlier than previously thought

Experts dispute recent study that claims little impact by pre-Columbian tribes in Amazon

Humans drove rainforest into savannah in ancient Africa

Prehistoric Peruvians enjoyed popcorn

Better protection of cultural heritage sites could generate $100B in poor countries

Destructive farming practices of early civilization may have altered climate long before industrial era

Examining monkey tools: archaeology expands to include non-human primates

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