Alternative energy News

256 stories

Stone, Sand, Water: the key ingredients changing the Salween landscape

Fire on the Salween: Dams in conflict zones could threaten Myanmar’s fragile peace process

Trump vows Paris Agreement pull out; world unites behind green economy

Program targets food security concerns among Panama’s indigenous women

PHOTOS: Panama begins “test-flooding” dam over indigenous protests

Dam opponents claim criminalization by Ecuadorian government

PHOTOS: Panama revives stalled dam over strong indigenous opposition

These countries are growing their economies and lowering emissions at the same time

Can a virtual fence help protect birds from human structures?

Powered by the land: The Sumatran village that conserves forest for electricity

Offshore wind farms could blunt hurricane damage

Coal’s future carbon costs may make it more expensive than wind energy

‘Carbon bubble’ could cause next global financial crisis

New wind power cheaper than coal or gas in Australia

Paradigm shift needed to avert global environmental collapse, according to author of new book The Blueprint: Averting Global Collapse

Google invests $200m in west Texas wind farm

Scientists: if we don’t act now we’re screwed

Consumption, population, and declining Earth: wake-up call for Rio+20

For Earth Day, 17 celebrated scientists on how to make a better world

Brazilian mining company connected to Belo Monte dam voted worst corporation

EU’s biofuel push based on ‘flawed’ science

Could palm oil help save the Amazon? (2011)

Could palm oil help save the Amazon?

Sugar cane cools climate when it replaces cattle pasture

Indigenous leaders take fight over Amazon dams to Europe

Photo gallery: Borneo paradise saved from beachside coal plant

Environmentalists and locals win fight against coal plant in Borneo

Is Obama’s clean energy revolution possible?

Prairie grass-based biofuels could meet half current fuel demand without affecting forests, food

Indonesia to open protected forests to geothermal power

Majority of Americans confused on climate change basics

Humanity consuming the Earth: by 2030 we’ll need two planets

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