Adaptation to climate change News

529 stories

Mexican fishers relocate in wake of sea level rise, raising job concerns

Brazil’s ‘innovative’ reforestation agenda discussed in Davos (commentary)

In DRC bid to grow more food, smallholders are overshadowed by industrial farming

From Bhutan to Nigeria & Kenya, women endure climate change differently than men

Young people in Africa call for a fair increase in funding for climate adaptation

Land use change impacting seven planetary boundaries, solutions urgent, say scientists

As climate change upends Ethiopia’s pastoral wisdom, adaptations can help

Cities are climate solution leaders: Interview with Vancouver’s Gregor Robertson

In a Noah’s Ark move, PNG migrants bring thousands of trees to safer ground

Organizations tackle droughts, floods in Brazil by planting forests

Shipping emissions reduction sheds light on marine cloud geoengineering

U.S. policy experts confident of future climate action despite Trump election

Africa needs COP29 funding & international finance reform to manage climate change (commentary)

Calls for caution as enhanced rock weathering shows carbon capture promise

More krill fishing and no new protected areas for Antarctic seas after latest talks

Botanical gardens play key role in biodiversity & climate conventions (commentary)

Coastal farmers in Bangladesh give up shrimp farming for agriculture to combat salinity

Controversial US marine geoengineering test delayed until next year

Indigenous communities can decide for themselves on carbon market risks (commentary)

Inaugural Planetary Health Check finds ocean acidification on the brink

Bangkok turns to urban forests to beat worsening floods

Will we be ready? Geoengineering policy lags far behind pace of climate change

Conserving & restoring waterways can mitigate extreme urban heat in Bangladesh

As waterbodies lose oxygen, are we breaching a potential planetary boundary?

Cloud brightening over oceans may stave off climate change, but with risk

Uttarakhand villagers thirst for water as tourism, temps & development rise

Climate change could return a stolen lake to Indigenous people, a century later

Geoengineering gains momentum, but governance is lacking, critics say

Biomass power grows in Japan despite new understanding of climate risks

Don’t even study it: Geoengineering research hits societal roadblocks

Biochar could play big role in Bhutan’s carbon storage — but it’s news to farmers

Sun block: The promise and peril of solar geoengineering

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