Michael Esquer
Michael Esquer is a journalist based in Brazil who has written for ((o))eco, a Brazilian news outlet where he reported on nature conservation, biodiversity and environmental policy. He holds a degree in journalism from the Federal University of Mato Grosso, Brazil, and had a short stint at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Colombia.
With a strong passion for environmental reporting, Michael was awarded the 13th Fernando Pacheco Jordão Young Journalist Award by the Vladimir Herzog Institute for his work on the impact of the Indigenous Independence Project on the Xavante people in the central-western region of Brazil. The initiative, supported by the Bolsonaro government, allowed the establishment of rice monocultures on Indigenous land and ignited conflicts among the Xavante people.
In the same year, he also received the 10th Patricia Acioli Human Rights Award from the Association of Magistrates of Rio de Janeiro for his work on the project that produced and disseminated information about COVID-19 in Indigenous languages of Brazil during the pandemic.
Before joining ((o))eco, Michael began his career in early 2021 with Olhar Direto, one of the largest local news outlets in Mato Grosso, a state located in the central-western region of Brazil, where he worked as an intern reporting on the pandemic, daily life and the environment in general.
Michael currently assists the communications efforts of the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) in the world's largest tropical wetland, following one year of reporting on environmental issues in the region as part of ((o))eco's project “Pantanal in Focus.”
He considers himself a genuine cinephile and a music enthusiast, ranging from pop to traditional folk genres. With Bolivian roots, Michael dreams of one day living in La Paz, a city he has cherished with a special passion and affection since his first visit.