West africa News

428 stories

Satellite collars to help boost protection for Nigeria’s largest remaining elephant herd

Global fisheries deprive local communities of key nutrients, study finds

Industrial palm oil investors struggle to gain foothold in Africa

This land is ours: New law could end age-old injustice faced by Liberian women (commentary)

‘We have cut them all’: Ghana struggles to protect its last old-growth forests

Ekuri Initiative: Inside a Nigerian community’s battle to keep its forest

Nigeria finds itself at the heart of the illegal pangolin trade

Africa’s largest reserve may lose half its area to oil development

Cocoa and gunshots: The struggle to save a threatened forest in Nigeria

Chimps in Sierra Leone adapt to human-impacted habitats, but threats remain

In Nigeria, a highway threatens community and conservation interests

Was Sierra Leone’s one-month fishing ban enough to replenish fish stocks?

Lost in translation: Green regulations backfire without local context

Documentary seeks to tip the scales against illegal pangolin trafficking

Nigeria plans 8-fold increase in palm oil production

‘We come from the earth’: Q&A with Goldman Prize winner Alfred Brownell

What is magic without ape parts? Inside the illicit trade devastating Nigeria’s apes

Bauxite mining and Chinese dam push Guinea’s chimpanzees to the brink

Fighting corruption in Liberia through on-the-ground reporting (insider)

Western chimp numbers revised up to 53,000, but development threats loom

The world lost a Belgium-size area of old growth rainforest in 2018

U.S. companies implicated in illegal timber trade from West Africa

Liberia’s new land rights law hailed as victory, but critics say it’s not enough

In Nigeria, hunters turn into guardians of the rarest gorilla on Earth

Norway divests from plantation companies linked to deforestation

Gorilla radio: Sending a conservation message in Nigeria

Deforested, degraded land restoration a top priority for African leaders

The legal institutionalization of FSC certification in Gabon (commentary)

Africa’s slender-snouted crocodile is not one but two species

Women’s work in Senegalese conservation includes exorcising demons

Is S&P Dow Jones greenwashing conflict palm oil? (commentary)

Watching the wildlife return: Q&A with a rural Senegalese river monitor

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