West africa News

428 stories

‘They took it over by force’: Corruption and palm oil in Sierra Leone

‘If they take our lands, we’ll be dead’: Cameroon village battles palm oil giant

How the legacy of colonialism built a palm oil empire

World Rainforest Day: The world’s great rainforests

Chimps prefer human crops, scientists find — and it’s better for them

Mystery ailments, asymptomatic individuals: Spotlight on monkeypox in chimps

Prized as pets, are ball pythons being traded out of wild existence?

For the western chimpanzee, sanctuaries are more than just a last resort

It’s time to implement solutions that make the bushmeat trade unnecessary (commentary)

Takeover of Nigerian reserve highlights uphill battle to save forests

Young Nigerian researcher goes to bat against forest fires

Positive ways forward for chocolate industry tainted by deforestation and child labor (commentary)

A tale of two Nigerian reserves underscores importance of community

Nigeria declares new conservation zone for most threatened chimpanzee

As pangolin trade heats up, Nigeria urged to do more to crack down

Inside the fight to save the Niger Delta red colobus

National parks in Africa shutter over COVID-19 threat to great apes

New evidence suggests Ivorian timber merits tougher EUTR due diligence (commentary)

To save Cross River gorillas, EU-funded program aims to empower communities

As Guinea-Bissau records mass vulture deaths, poisoning is main suspect

Mortgaging the future: Report details risks of resource-backed loans

Ghana’s government faces pushback in bid to mine biodiversity haven for bauxite

Illegal industrial fishing hampers small-scale African fisheries

Conservationists in peril: Scientists, campaigners risk their lives for their work

2019: The year rainforests burned

Action plan for red colobus

Catching fish to feed fish: Report details ‘unsustainable’ fishmeal and oil industry

Camera traps yield surprises in West Africa’s largest protected area

Tradition and taboo keep Guinea-Bissau’s forests standing

Enough is too much: The growing case for investors to drop Golden Agri-Resources (commentary)

Fighting Africa’s fall armyworm invasion with radio shows and phone apps

Beach clean-ups, community visits, and compensation to fishers build environmental awareness in Nigeria

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