Travel News

96 stories

Helicopters slash the trek to Earth’s highest peak, but leave Sherpas grounded

Ecotourism offers new hopes for Bhutanese youth — and local environments

In Indonesia’s Aceh, a once-isolated forest hosts local travelers on bamboo rafts

Adventure tours with tigers? Nepal’s proposed policy changes raise alarm

Aviation’s climate conundrum: More than sustainable fuels needed

Sustainable aviation fuels: Potential lagging behind reality

Saving Masungi, a last green corridor of the Philippines: Q&A with Ann Dumaliang

‘Sherpas’ real stories are seldom written’: Q&A with authors Ankit Babu Adhikari & Pradeep Bashyal

Iwan Dento, ‘hero’ of South Sulawesi’s karst mountains

11 notable books on conservation and the environment published in 2020

Food is biggest stumbling block on zero-waste nature tour

Travel: A charmed encounter with birds-of-paradise in Papua’s Arfak Mountains

A possible undiscovered orangutan population in Borneo?

Then and now: 100 years of wildlife loss and deforestation in Borneo

A trip on Borneo’s Mahakam River in search of forgotten wildlife

Following in Raven’s Footsteps: 100 years of wildlife loss on Borneo

For Earth Day: climbing a redwood tree

Can we save the Sumatran rhino? Indonesia holds out hope

Photo essay: the flying fox show

Parker/Gentry Award for Conservation

Stuff of fairy tales: stepping into Europe’s last old-growth forest

New opportunities for data-driven reporting on forests

Conservation legend Jane Goodall turns 80 today

Talking deforestation and conservation with APP, Greenpeace, RAN, WWF, TFT, and Ekologika

Debating deforestation in Indonesia and APP’s forest conservation policy

Are there economic alternatives to palm oil?

What happened to the Innovation in Conservation prize?

Top nature pictures of 2013

Clarifying Google’s forest map

Shifting to a non-profit model for environmental news reporting

3 days on safari: 2 dead rhinos

Mammal-watching: one man’s obsession to see the world’s mammals

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