Tanzania News

290 stories

Obama to take on elephant and rhino poaching in Africa

Compromise on Serengeti road?: build an elevated highway

Poachers enlisting impoverished wildlife rangers as accomplices in elephant, rhino killing

Elephant woes: conservationists mixed on elephant actions at CITES

Animals of the Masai Mara – book review

Poaching in Serengeti seems worth the risk

New inroads made into bushmeat consumption in Tanzania

Vanishing corridors: trying to keep big animals on the move across Tanzania

Lion population falls 68 percent in 50 years

Tanzania weighs new soda ash plant in prime flamingo territory

Artificial ‘misting system’ allows vanished toad to be released back into the wild

Authorities confiscate 600 dead elephants’ worth of ivory in Hong Kong

Bushmeat consumption differs between communities in Tanzania

Forest cover falls 9% in East Africa in 9 years

Poaching in the Serengeti linked to poverty, high legal hunting prices

Ten African nations pledge to transform their economies to take nature into account

Blue tarantula, walking cactus, and a worm from Hell: the top 10 new species of 2011

Legal case against Serengeti road moves forward

Possible embezzlement halts WWF-run REDD project in Tanzania

Top 10 Environmental Stories of 2011

New large horned viper discovered, but biologists keep location quiet

Fertilizer trees boost yields in Africa

Dam puts wild coffee species at risk of extinction

Busted: 1,835 elephant tusks confiscated in two seizures connected by Malaysia

Cameratraps take global snapshot of declining tropical mammals

Richard Leakey: ‘selfish’ critics choose wrong fight in Serengeti road

Unpaved road through Serengeti to progress

How do tourists view the Serengeti?

Serengeti road cancelled

How do we save Africa’s forests?

Conservation issues in Tanzania

REDD should fund efficient stoves, crop yield increases, says study

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