Precipitation News

71 stories

Droughts could push parts of Africa back into famine

Is the Russian Forest Code a warning for Brazil?

Evidence mounts that Maya did themselves in through deforestation

Converting rainforest to cropland in Africa reduces rainfall

Chart: US suffers record drought

NASA Photos: beyond Mississippi flood, southern Africa sees record deluges

Amazon yang Belum Rusak Hasilkan Awan dan Hujannya Sendiri

An undamaged Amazon produces its own clouds and rain

Freak floods in US predicted by 2009 climate change report

Pencitraan satelit NASA tunjukkan rekaman rendahnya salju di Amerika Serikat

NASA satellite image reveals record low snow for the United States

World failing on every environmental issue: an op-ed for Earth Day

El Niño in Venezuela: Hugo Chávez’s “Katrina” Moment?

Drought crippling southwest China, millions without drinking water

Healthy coral reefs produce clouds and precipitation

Decline in fog threatens California’s iconic redwood ecosystems

Photos: ten beloved species threatened by global warming

Air pollution in China reduces rainfall

Massive deforestation in the past decreased rainfall in Asia

New report predicts dire consequences for every U.S. region from global warming

River systems worldwide are losing water due to global warming

Droughts lasting centuries in West Africa are commonplace

Cutting greenhouse gases now would save world from worst global warming scenarios

Revolutionary new theory overturns modern meteorology with claim that forests move rain

Amazonian region likely to become savannah due to burning, deforestation

Global warming increases “extreme” rain storms

NASA study shows global warming will diminish rainfall in East Africa, worsening hunger

Geology, climate links make Guiana Shield region particularly sensitive to change

Investing to save rainforests

75% of world population to face water shortages by 2050

Private equity firm buys rights to ecosystem services of Guyana rainforest

How accurate is long-term climatology data from the Amazon?

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