Marine mammals News

394 stories

Faroe Islands to evaluate traditional hunt after slaughter of 1,400 dolphins

Manatee deaths in Florida point to a global decline in seagrass ecosystems

Not just sea life: Migratory fish, birds and mammals also fall foul of plastic

Will ‘ropeless’ fishing gear be seaworthy in time to save endangered whales?

Trawling bycatch increases risk of marine life extinction in Brazil

Brazil a wreck on trawling control

Seagrass-grazing dugongs and green sea turtles supercharge the seeds they eat

Tallying the toll on marine life from the X-Press Pearl sinking (commentary)

‘Mismanaged to death’: Mexico opens up sole vaquita habitat to fishing

New ecolabel will certify ‘Whale-Safe’ shipping companies and cruise lines

Study confirms sightings of endangered blue whale in Philippine waters

Latest mass stranding raises concerns for endangered Caspian seals

Indonesian researchers study how to help rays released as bycatch survive

From penguins to sharks to whales, swimming in circles is a surprisingly common trait

‘Minke whales for dinner’: Norway’s controversial whale hunt is still on

When Chinook salmon is off the menu, other prey will do for endangered orcas

In the fight to save the vaquita, conservationists take on cartels

Fewer than 100 of these giant whales make up a newly described species

Mozambique’s new fisheries law expands protections but old problems persist

Rare beaked whale sighting could be a world first for the species

2020’s top ocean news stories (commentary)

Environmentalists seek to block Bahamas oil drilling bid near U.S. coast

Whale of a find: Scientists spot beaked whale believed to be a new species

Can whales and dolphins catch COVID-19 from wastewater? It’s murky

Countries fall short of U.N. pledge to protect 10% of the ocean by 2020

Are industrial chemicals killing rare whales and familiar dolphins?

Whale zone ahead: A cetacean speed trap tags ships going over the limit

Sri Lankans save pilot whales in epic rescue after mass stranding

‘No other choice’: Groups push to protect vast swaths of Antarctic seas

New tool alerts ships when whales are near. But will they slow down?

Mauritians take to the street over oil spill and dolphin and whale deaths

481 and counting: Norway’s whaling catch hits four-year high

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