Land use change News

664 stories

Fisherwomen fight plan for coastal salt farms on Indonesia’s Madura Island

New concession in Botum Sakor National Park handed to Cambodia’s Royal Group

Cambodian conglomerate sparks conflict in Botum Sakor National Park

What can solve growing conflicts between agricultural giants and communities in Cameroon?

Forests in the furnace: Cambodians risking life and liberty to fuel garment factories

Degraded, but not defunct: Modified land still has wildlife value, study says

Climate emergency may channel millions in resources toward corn-based ethanol in the Amazon

In Sri Lanka, humans mistakenly attempt to ‘rescue’ leopard cubs

Seas of grass may be dark horse candidate to fuel the planet — or not

Award-winning community group in Sumatra cleans up lake

Can the EU’s deforestation law save Argentina’s Gran Chaco from soy?

3 million hectares of Colombian Amazon deforested for illegal pasture: Study

Sargassum surges in Mexico: From nuisance to new green industry?

One elephant a day: Sri Lanka wildlife conflict deepens as death toll rises

Indonesia’s new capital ‘won’t sacrifice the environment’: Q&A with Nusantara’s Myrna Asnawati Safitri

To build its ‘green’ capital city, Indonesia runs a road through a biodiverse forest

Jatropha: The biofuel that bombed seeks a path to redemption

Plan to mine ‘clean energy’ metals in Colombian Amazon splits communities

A liquid biofuels primer: Carbon-cutting hopes vs. real-world impacts

As Indonesia’s new capital takes shape, risks to wider Borneo come into focus

Deforestation threatens local populations in Republic of Congo’s Sangha

Nepal’s community forest program misses the biodiversity for the trees

Bolivia has a soy deforestation problem. It’s worse than previously thought.

On Sumatra coast, mangrove clearing sparks scrutiny of loophole

Dammed, now mined: Indigenous Brazilians fight for the Xingu River’s future

Weakening of agrarian reform program increases violence against settlers in Brazilian Amazon

Indonesia’s ‘essential’ mangroves, seagrass and corals remain unprotected

In Vietnam, a forest grown from the ashes of war falls to a resort project

In Brazil’s agricultural heartland, rivers run dry as monoculture advances

No justice for Indigenous community taking on a Cambodian rubber baron

To replace Western food imports, Cameroon gives community lands to ‘no-name’ agro-industry

Tensions boil in Sumatra over a palm oil promise villagers say has yet to be kept

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