Lakes News

120 stories

In Bali fish die-offs, researchers spot a human hand

East Africa’s Albertine Rift needs protection now, scientists say

Indonesians race to save their disappearing lakes, before it’s too late

Merabu’s efforts to keep the carbon in its trees

Environmentalists squirm as Jokowi eyes Lake Toba tourism bonanza

Vietnam sweats bullets as China and Laos dam the Mekong

First Toba, now Maninjau: another mass fish death hits an Indonesian lake

Why did millions of fish turn up dead in Indonesia’s giant Lake Toba?

Fish farms need not be outlawed in Indonesia’s Lake Toba: minister

Military sent to clear fish farms in Indonesia’s Lake Toba

Millions of fish die suddenly in Indonesia’s giant Lake Toba

UNESCO declares largest biosphere reserve in North America

Aquaculture comes to Lake Victoria, but will it help wild fish?

Bolivia’s second largest lake disappears, due to desertification and contamination

Photo essay: Polluted, overfished, and choked by weeds, world’s second-largest lake is ‘on its knees’

Big surprise in the greenhouse: study finds economic costs of climate change hugely underestimated

Is the Gran Canal really a ‘big Christmas present’ for Nicaraguans?

Scientific association calls on Nicaragua to scrap its Gran Canal

‘River wolves’ recover in Peruvian park, but still remain threatened inside and out (photos)

The Gran Canal: will Nicaragua’s big bet create prosperity or environmental ruin?

How locals and conservationists saved the elephants of Mali amidst conflict and poverty

The price of gold: winners and losers in Latin America’s mining industry

Nicaragua Canal could cause ecological disaster, warn experts

Little NGO takes on goliath task: conserving the vanishing ecosystems of Paraguay

Water crisis widening: 4.5 billion people live near ‘impaired water sources’

World’s rarest duck on the rebound in Madagascar

Yangtze porpoise down to 1,000 animals as world’s most degraded river may soon claim another extinction

Cambodia loses half its seasonal wetlands in 10 years

Tanzania weighs new soda ash plant in prime flamingo territory

World Bank agrees to fund project related to controversial Gibe III dam

Peru considers big changes to its environmental reviews

Saving the world’s biggest river otter

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