Interns News

622 stories

To end turtle hunting, an African island state embraced the hunters

Institutional conflict puts successful Spix’s macaw reintroduction at risk

For ‘extinct’ Spix’s macaw, successful comeback is overshadowed by uncertainty

Bird populations are mysteriously declining at an Amazon park in Ecuador & beyond

Brazil takes pioneering action — and a vaccine — to rewild howler monkeys

Rising temperatures threaten the tiny animals responsible for groundwater quality

Not just polar bears — climate change could push African rhinos to extinction

Conflict in the canopy as human and climate factors drive liana dominance over trees

For threatened Andean condors, garbage dump offers a buffet of risks & rewards

Night light, habitat loss & pesticides threaten Brazil’s bioluminescent insects

Seabird poop is recipe for coral recovery amid climate-driven bleaching

Virtual fences can benefit both ranchers and wildlife

Antarctic warming alters atmosphere, ice shelves, ocean & animals

In Senegal, rice intensification helps farmers grow more with less

One left: British Columbia’s last chance on northern spotted owls

Spamming streams with hatchery salmon can disrupt ecosystems, study finds

Top French court orders closure of fisheries amid mass dolphin deaths

CO2 in, methane out? Study highlights complexity of coastal carbon sinks

Three small steps for mankind, one giant leap for the climate

Swinging to safety: How canopy bridges may save Costa Rica’s howlers

When nature gives them a chance to collab, jaguars aren’t so solitary after all

The dark side of light: Coastal urban lighting threatens marine life, study shows

In world first, Chile to ban single-use food and beverage products over three years

Deforestation intensifies in northern Malaysia’s most important water catchment

Wildlife ‘rehabbers’ wage herculean fight for a noble cause

Authorities and Yobin communities clash as deforestation spikes in Indian national park

Noise pollution spooks whales the way predators would, study finds

Canada mining push puts major carbon sink and Indigenous lands in the crosshairs

Indigenous oyster fisheries were ‘fundamentally different’: Q&A with researcher Marco Hatch

Yellowstone’s wolves defied extinction, but face new threats beyond park’s borders

Human disturbance is pitting wolverines against an unlikely competitor: Coyotes

Lessons from panda conservation could help Asia’s other, overlooked, bears

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