Interns News

622 stories

For the Mediterranean, the Suez is a wormhole bringing in alien invaders

Photos of wild tiger cubs in Thailand rekindles hope for species

Costa Rica caterpillar decline spells trouble for ecosystems

In Afghanistan, a new national park carries hopes for conservation and peace

Activists win reprieve, for now, for Dominican coastline eyed by developers

Study finds new population of rare deer — but in Brazil’s Arc of Deforestation

Scientists find never-before-seen baby of rare rabbit on WhatsApp

Sandpipers on an arduous migration now have a rest stop all their own

Window tech could save billions of birds, and it’s already here

Mass tree planting along India’s Cauvery River has scientists worried

‘Rediscovered’ after 100 years, Gurney’s pitta is in peril once again

From seeds to forests: How one man is growing Thailand’s future

Microplastics may be a macro problem for the U.S. Great Plains, too, study finds

China’s wénwan drives a deadly mix-and-match of endangered wildlife

Conserving wildlife is key to tropical forests’ carbon storage, study finds

Feral horses gallop to the rescue of butterflies in distress

Myanmar risks losing forests to oil palm, but there’s time to pivot

Bouncing back: The recovery of the tenkile tree kangaroo

Climate change threatens some island conifers with extinction

‘A green desert’: Mammals take a hit in Colombia’s oil palm plantations

Protected areas best conserve mammalian diversity when connected with corridors, biologged weasels show

New species of giant flying squirrel brings hope to one of the world’s ‘most wanted’

Jumping the Shark: The Decline of the North Atlantic’s Shortfin Mako

‘Like spaghetti’: Worm-slurping, hopping rats discovered in the Philippines

Asian elephant footprints serve as safe spaces for frog nurseries

Logging, mining companies lock eyes on a biodiverse island like no other

Secretive and colorful dryas monkey isn’t as rare as once thought

Sponges supply DNA for new method of monitoring aquatic biodiversity

Shift to renewable energy could have biodiversity cost, researchers caution

Out on a limb: Unlikely collaboration boosts orangutans in Borneo

‘You don’t find orchids; they find you’: Q&A with botanist Edicson Parra

Tiny tracking tags help decode how echolocating bats navigate

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