Interns News

622 stories

Better than bottled: How a Dutch company uses bison to maintain pure drinking water

In the Canary Islands, a good seed disperser is hard to find

India: This draft national forest policy too gives short shrift to grasslands

Keeping carbon in the ground can cut emissions and boost food security, study finds

For climate action to take hold, activists need more than just polar bears

Climate change imperils tiny animal in the world’s most extreme continent

Easter Island votes for world’s newest marine reserve

Queen conch dying out in the Bahamas despite marine parks

Webs under water: The really bizarre lives of intertidal spiders

Demand for sand leads to global ecological crisis

A tale of two otters: settling in Singapore, suffering in China

Meet the winners of Mongabay’s best intern articles awards

Do catch and release-induced abortions harm shark and ray populations?

No more elephants? Poaching crisis takes its toll in the Central African Republic

eBay is outselling the darknet in the illegal wildlife trade, fret researchers

Acidifying oceans a bad trip for marine ecosystems

Farming and forest loss: study exposes malaria’s best friends

Is Bangladesh’s expanded sanctuary a brave step or a paper tiger?

Curiosity saves the cat: Tourism helps reinvent the jaguar

Keeping lions at bay to keep them going

A global view from a mountain town: how conservation became ingrained in Monteverde

Massive highway planned for Philippines’ Palawan Island

The “dolphin who became man”: will the boto survive the catfish trade?

How effective are wildlife corridors like Singapore’s Eco-Link?

Mothers vs. loggers: the destruction of Białowieża Forest splits Poland

Empowering communities fighting new mines: an interview with filmmaker Jessie Landerman

Fighting climate change with compassion, one letter at a time

Kiribati confronts climate upheaval by preparing for ‘migration with dignity’

Protecting fish and fishers: Economists say catch shares work

A dangerous path: New highway could jeopardize tigers in India

Whale entanglements skyrocket off the U.S. West Coast

‘The ones we named are all dead now’: dolphins and fishers struggle to survive in Myanmar

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