Human migration News

61 stories

Conservation and the rise of corporations in the Pan Amazon

The particularities of the migratory movement in Venezuela, the Guianas and Suriname

How the Sahel junta is responding to climate change amid political isolation

The fuel that moves people: the Ecuadorian case

Balochistan’s Gwadar city sits at the crossroads of climate and conflict

Peru’s modern history of migration and settlement

Bolivia’s internal colonization and its March to the East

The effects of mass migration in Brazil in the second half of the twentieth century

In a Noah’s Ark move, PNG migrants bring thousands of trees to safer ground

The calm before the storm: The first half of the 20th century in the Pan Amazon

The rubber boom and its legacy in Brazil, Peru, Bolivia and Colombia

Evolution of the Pan Amazon in the post-Jesuit era

Impacts and legacies of migration across the Pan Amazon

Rural-urban migration across the Amazon Basin

Indigenous communities in the Amazon fight for full recognition

The people who make up the Pan-Amazonian melting pot: regional demographics

CHAPTER 6. Culture and demographics defines the Pan Amazon’s present

Texas ocelot breeding and reintroduction may offer new route to recovery

Can land titles save Madagascar’s embattled biodiversity and people?

After Sri Lanka, Nepal debates exporting its ‘problematic’ monkeys

Monarch butterflies become a powerful symbol for justice at the U.S./Mexico border (commentary)

Human migration to Nepal’s tiger capital adds to conservation challenges

Healthy mangroves build a resilient community in the Philippines’ Palawan

Wage-related abuses in fishing industry exacerbated by pandemic response

Boom and bust on Lake Victoria: Q&A with author Mark Weston

Humanity’s ‘ecological Ponzi scheme’ sets up bleak future, scientists warn

In Guatemala, refugees find new calling as park rangers

Amazonia’s people domesticated crops on ‘forest islands’ 10,000 years ago: Study

In Colombia’s La Guajira, the native Wayuu are forgotten in the dust

Young farmers apply ancient agroforestry practices in the heart of Sardinia

Africa’s largest reserve may lose half its area to oil development

Dam in Ethiopia has wiped out indigenous livelihoods, report finds

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