Frogs News

377 stories

New frog species show how geology shapes Amazon’s biodiversity

Frog ‘saunas’ may help threatened frogs fight off deadly fungus

A tale of two frogs: The tough uphill battle for rediscovered species

Java’s frogman reflects on half-century dive into amphibian world

Three new species of frogs found nestled in Madagascar’s pandan trees

New volcano toad from Mount Kenya reveals an ancient lineage

No animals harmed as wildlife specimen collection goes digital in 3D

Sliver of hope as ‘mountain chicken’ frog shows resistance to deadly disease

Frogs in the pot: Two in five amphibian species at risk amid climate crisis

‘What we need to protect and why’: 20-year Amazon research hints at fate of tropics

In Bangladesh, microplastic threat to frogs is also concern for rice farming

As tourism booms in India’s Western Ghats, habitat loss pushes endangered frogs to the edge

No croak: New silent frog species described from Tanzania’s ‘sky island’ forests

Restore linked habitat to protect tropical amphibians from disease: Study

EU demand for frogs’ legs raises risks of local extinctions, experts warn

If you build it, the amphibians will come: Swiss researchers show new ponds boost species at risk

Toxic new frog species from Ecuador named after Family Guy’s Seth MacFarlane

Tiny new tree frog species found in rewilded Costa Rican nature reserve

Pumpkin toadlets can’t jump: The frog that gave up balance for size

Amazon frog highlights appropriation of Indigenous knowledge for commercial gain

Study: Breeding adaptations help tree frogs thrive in different climates

Chocolate frog? New burrowing frog species unearthed in Amazon’s rare peatlands

In Panama, a tiny rainfrog named after Greta Thunberg endures

Scientists describe new tree frog in push to catalog Indonesia’s amphibians

Actor Juan Pablo Espinosa on the golden dart frog

Slash-and-burn farming eats away at a Madagascar haven for endangered lemurs, frogs

One-hit wonder frog makes a comeback in the southern Philippines

Planned coal-trucking road threatens a forest haven for Sumatran frogs

Well, hello there: Glass frogs ‘wave’ to communicate near noisy waterfalls

Top positive environmental stories from 2020

Top 15 species discoveries from 2020 (Photos)

Alleged gov’t-linked land grabs threaten Cambodia’s Cardamom Mountains

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