Freshwater animals News

148 stories

Yangtze porpoise down to 1,000 animals as world’s most degraded river may soon claim another extinction

Mekong dam spree could create regional food crisis

Chinook salmon return to Olympic National Park after dam demolished

North American freshwater fish going extinct at rate over 800 times the fossil record

Featured video: restoring rivers in the Tongass Rainforest

Cute animal pictures of the day: smooth-coated otter cubs

Conservationists successfully hatch world’s fourth most endangered turtle

Wildlife in the tropics plummets by over 60 percent

Over 30 Yangtze porpoises found dead in China as population nears extinction

Eye-popping purple crabs discovered in the Philippines

Hail Mary effort aims to save the world’s most endangered turtles

How tiny otters survive in agricultural India

Photo: new blue, red, yellow lizard discovered in the Andes

Saving the world’s biggest river otter

Picture of the day: nearly-extinct turtle released into the wild in Cambodia

Florida loses two species to extinction

Opposition rises against Mekong dam as governments ponder decision

Giant fish help grow the Amazon rainforest

More biodiversity equals cleaner water, but why?

Photos: two new freshwater stingrays discovered in the Amazon

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