Energy efficiency News

161 stories

Governors announce energy efficiency push for computing

Big companies push energy efficiency

Wall Street looks at energy efficiency to boost profits

Florida to cut greenhouse gas emissions 80% by 2050, eBay rank worst for global warming efforts

Google to be carbon neutral by year end

$100 billion invested in renewable energy in 2006

Google will put $10M towards plug-in hybrid cars

Google, Intel seek greener computers

Google, Microsoft launch energy efficiency initiative

Nobel prize winner debates future of nuclear power

Intel pushes its environmental initiatives

IBM launches “green” chip

CO2 emissions growth surges as global energy efficiency falls

Improving energy efficiency will require overcoming market distortions

16 cities to get energy-saving retrofits

Reps Lott and Stevens oppose fuel efficiency bill

Cost of stabilizing climate 0.1% per year

To fight warming, Canada will ban incandescent light bulbs by 2012

Incandescent light bulb ban would cut India’s GHG emissions 4%

Palo Alto aims to cut CO2 emissions 80% by 2050

Measures to drive adoption of super efficient cars in the U.S.

U.S. can cut oil imports to zero by 2040, use to zero by 2050

Data centers use at least $7.2 billion in electricity globally

Efficiency improvements could cut global energy demand significantly

Hospitals go green

Half of Brits want more energy efficient products

United States economy becomes more carbon efficient

US has low-cost alternatives to oil; peak oil frenzy and human-induced climate change avoidable says Columbia University

Copying nature could save us energy, study shows

FSC / RIL certification

Carbon fiber composites could boost future car fuel efficiency 30 percent

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