Crop yields News

34 stories

Coastal farmers in Bangladesh give up shrimp farming for agriculture to combat salinity

Kenyan farmers turn to WhatsApp & AI tools to combat crop diseases

Bangladeshi farmers find zucchini’s high yields & low costs palatable

Harsh dry season sours harvest prospects for Java coffee farmers

In Bangladesh, sunflower grows where other crops don’t amid increasing salinity

We need a better understanding of how crops fare under solar panels, study shows

Prevention is best defense against Bangladesh crop diseases, researchers say

Battling desertification: Bringing soil back to life in semiarid Spain

Salinity hinders Bangladesh agriculture; groups respond with seeds & information

Bali rice experiment cuts greenhouse gas emissions and increases yields

Morocco rolls out a phosphorous-fueled plan to heal soils across Africa

In Indonesia, clouds form over East Java’s promising band of avocado growers

For Dutch farming crisis, agroforestry offers solutions: Q&A with Lennart Fuchs & Marc Buiter

Pollinator declines linked to half million early human deaths annually: Study

Climate change puts Bangladeshi farmers’ reliance on rice varieties to the test

As climate-driven drought slams farms in U.S. West, water solutions loom

In Kenya, push-pull method tries to debug organic farming’s pest problem

Kenya port and ship-breaking projects threaten livelihoods and environment

Old and new solutions pave way to net-zero emissions farming, studies show

Study puts 2050 deadline on tipping point for Mekong Delta salinity

Chinese demand and domestic instability are wiping out Senegal’s last forests

For Philippine farmers reeling from disasters, lockdown is another pain point

Extreme floods on the rise in the Amazon: study

Grasslands in US Great Plains are being destroyed at “alarming rate”

Rising CO2 is reducing nutritional value of food, impacting ecosystems

Keeping up with the climate: efforts to reduce African crop losses face the extra hurdle of climate change

Low crop prices means time is ripe for new forest protection programs

More is better: high bee biodiversity boosts crop yields

Crop yields no longer keeping up with population growth

Targeting methane, black carbon could buy world a little time on climate change

Fertilizer trees boost yields in Africa

Food crisis 2011?: drought in China could push food prices even higher

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