Coral bleaching News

106 stories

New approach to restore coral reefs on mass scale kicks off in Hawai‘i

Global coral bleaching now underway looks set to be largest on record

‘Corals dying’ as yet more bleaching hits heat-stressed Great Barrier Reef

Seabird poop is recipe for coral recovery amid climate-driven bleaching

Hotter seas lead to coral bleaching along Colombia’s coast, 2023 expeditions find

Climate refugees? As the sea warms, corals thrive in Japan’s cool waters

Hope, but no free pass, as Pacific corals show tolerance to warming oceans

New hope in the Mediterranean: Scientists find deep corals withstand heat waves

Science and culture join forces to restore 120 miles of Hawaiian reefs

Expedition to Pacific ecosystems hopes to learn from their resilience

Reef ruckus: Fish fights erupt after mass coral bleaching, study finds

Machine learning makes long-term, expansive reef monitoring possible

An El Niño is forecast for 2023. How much coral will bleach this time?

A ‘super reef’ recovery raises hopes — but also questions about its resilience

Future reefs: A manifesto to save the world’s coral gardens (commentary)

In a former conflict zone in Sri Lanka, a world rich in corals thrives

The Great Barrier Reef is bleaching — once again — and over a larger area

Marine cold spells, a potential buffer against warming seas, are fading away

Ships sunk in nuclear tests host diverse corals, study says. But do we need them?

Jordan scrambles to save rare Red Sea corals that can withstand climate change

‘There’s not much hope’: Mediterranean corals collapse under relentless heat

Safe havens for coral reefs will disappear as oceans warm, study says

Bleached reefs still support nutritious fish, study finds

Restoring coastal forests can protect coral reefs against sediment runoff: Study

We must reverse the pressures on coral reefs before it’s too late (commentary)

With coral cover halved, curbing climate change is only way to slow the loss

The first complete map of the world’s shallow tropical coral reefs is here

Kenya port and ship-breaking projects threaten livelihoods and environment

Geopolitical standoff in South China Sea leads to environmental fallout

With growing pressures, can the Philippines sustain its marine reserves?

Conservation solutions in paradise: Jamaica’s Oracabessa Bay Fishing Sanctuary

Satellites keep watch over global reef health in a world first

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