Cattle pasture News

198 stories

A cattle ranch is the unlikely scene for saving a fox found only in Brazil

In Bolivia’s flooded savannas, ranching aims to boost grasslands conservation

Can cattle and wildlife co-exist in the Maasai Mara? A controversial study says yes

New datasets identify which crops deforest the Amazon, and where

Indonesian palm oil, Brazilian beef top contributors to U.S. deforestation exposure

Brazil’s cattle industry could suffer major losses without climate policies, report says

A mobile solution for Kenyan pastoralists’ livestock is a plus for wildlife, too

EU bill and new green policies spur progress on Brazil’s cattle tracking

How the Amazon’s ‘greatest devastator’ sold cattle to a Carrefour supplier 

What drives and halts tropical deforestation? Analyzing 24 years of data

Even community stewardship can’t save rangeland beset by legacy of misrule

Virtual fences can benefit both ranchers and wildlife

Despite lawsuit, Casino Group still sells beef from Amazonian Indigenous territory

Climate emergency may channel millions in resources toward corn-based ethanol in the Amazon

Drying wetlands and drought threaten water supplies in Kenya’s Kiambu County

Deforestation ‘out of control’ in reserve in Brazil’s cattle capital

To cut emissions from cattle ranching, beef up the soil, study says

Growing soy on cattle pasture can eliminate Amazon deforestation in Brazil

Beef is still coming from protected areas in the Amazon, study shows

Kenyan hunter-gatherers forced to farm now face increased evictions from their forest

Maasai protesters shot, beaten as Tanzania moves forward with wildlife game reserve

Foreign capital powers Brazil’s meatpackers and helps deforest the Amazon

Conflict over resources in Kenya hits deadly highs with firearms in play

Pasture replaces large tract of intact primary forest in Brazilian protected area

Training on pasture recovery is a win-win for Brazil’s cattle ranchers and forests

Indigenous group defends uncontacted relatives from cattle onslaught in the Gran Chaco

‘Giving up’: Amazon is losing its resilience under human pressure, study shows

From teak farms to agroforestry: Panama tests reforestation strategies

Pay or punish? Study looks at how to engage with farmers deforesting the Cerrado

Getting African grasslands right, for people and wildlife alike: Q&A with Susanne Vetter

Mongabay’s top Amazon stories from 2021

‘Rampant forest destruction’ wracks reserve as cattle ranching advances in Brazilian Amazon

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