Carbon offsets News

351 stories

Carbon market could fund rainforest conservation, fight climate change

Prince Charles calls for rainforest protection to fight climate change

U.S. climate policy could help save rainforests

Al Gore’s investment firm bets that rainforest conservation will be profitable

Papua signs REDD carbon deal to generate income from rainforest protection

Investing to save rainforests

Global warming solutions are harming indigenous people, says U.N.

Private equity firm buys rights to ecosystem services of Guyana rainforest

Half the Amazon rainforest will be lost within 20 years

Carbon trading could protect forests, reduce rural poverty

Reducing deforestation rates 10% could generate $13B in carbon trading under REDD

Brazil’s ecosystem payments system offers clues for REDD implementation

Planktos kills iron fertilization project due to environmental opposition

Carbon traders, not conservationists, could save Cameroon rainforest

$1 trillion carbon market in the U.S. by 2020 says study

First rainforest-for-carbon-credits deal becomes a reality

Forests Finally Emerging as Climate Issue

55% of the Amazon may be lost by 2030

The hidden value of Bali: Why saving the world’s rainforests is good for the climate and the US economy

Too early to say if iron seeding will slow global warming – scientists

U.S. contributes $0 to World Bank’s new $300m forest carbon fund

U.S. hijacks climate talks, kills rainforest conservation plan

10% of global CO2 emissions result from swamp destruction

Aceh, Papua, Amazonas governors sign carbon-for-forests pact

REDD will fail if needs of forest communities aren’t addressed

Merrill Lynch announces carbon credits-for-forest conservation partnership

Tropical forests face huge threat from industrial agriculture

Amazon deforestation could be eliminated with carbon priced at $3

Returns from carbon offsets could beat palm oil in Congo DRC

Forest carbon may not fully offset fossil carbon, says expert

Could the carbon market save the Amazon rainforest?

Carbon credits for forest conservation concept faces challenges

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