Birds of prey News

53 stories

Time to highlight South Asia’s less-studied vultures: Interview with Krishna Bhusal

Shooting of Philippine eagle renews calls to boost enforcement, wildlife protection

Owl conservationist Raju Acharya wins Whitley Award in hat trick for Nepal

A new and improved bird family tree shows rapid post-dinosaur evolution

Mexico’s first black-and-white hawk-eagle nest is a treasure trove for researchers

Nepal’s birds pay cost for country’s infrastructure development

Iconic Indonesian raptor still threatened by habitat degradation, isolation

Super flock of pigeons leaves Nepali researchers asking what happened

‘Owls are valuable only when alive’: Q&A with conservationist Raju Acharya

Nests of hope: Nepal’s vulture colonies hold on amid new threats

Nepal’s hydropower boom is killing birds via power lines

Nepal’s vultures, recovering from a poisoning crisis, fly into another

New map boosts Philippine eagle population estimate, but highlights threats

Bird strike warnings resurface amid probe into deadly Nepal plane crash

Harpy eagles: The challenge of protecting the Amazon’s largest bird of prey

Indonesia foresters hope Garuda poachers turn gamekeepers

In Kathmandu, when the falcon’s away, pigeons come out to play. And poop

No time to keep vultures out of danger as new Nepal airport set to open

Cheetah reintroduction in Malawi brings vultures back to the skies

Andean eagles have managed to adapt to fragmenting habitats — for now

Rachel Carson’s ‘Silent Spring’ 60 years on: Birds still fading from the skies

Scientists uncover widespread declines of raptors in Kenya

‘Sharing the air’ proves a challenge for new Nepal airport in bird paradise

Stronghold for Africa’s rarest falcon discovered in reserve threatened by Mozambique insurgency

A shot to the gut: American eagles poisoned by lead from bullets

How Andean Condors in Peru saved the California condor from extinction (commentary)

When North America locked down, birds filled the gap left by people

Thanks to the Yurok Tribe, condors will return to the Pacific Northwest

What the Mauritius kestrel can teach us about wildlife reintroductions

Life and new limbs: Creative thinking, 3D printers save injured wildlife

A good year for the Philippine eagle in 2020, but not for its supporters

11 notable books on conservation and the environment published in 2020

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