Avoided deforestation News

560 stories

Do forest conservation pledges work? (commentary)

Is the delay of Europe’s deforestation regulation a cause for regret, or an opportunity? (commentary)

Carbon markets must recognize Indigenous ‘high forest, low deforestation’ areas (commentary)

Study: REDD+ doesn’t work without Indigenous peoples, but fails to engage them

With Europe’s move to delay tropical forest protections, everything burns (commentary)

Record number of Indigenous land titles granted in Peru via innovative process (commentary)

Sugarcane megaproject poses latest threat to Papua’s forests, communities

NZ funding helps Indigenous farmers in Indonesia protect forests, boost incomes

New report details rights abuses in Cambodia’s Southern Cardamom REDD+ project

New tool aims to help palm oil firms comply with deforestation regulations

The year in rainforests: 2023

Jurisdictional REDD+ ready to fund forest-positive, socially-inclusive development in the Amazon and beyond (commentary)

Mobilizing Amazon societies to reduce forest carbon emissions and unlock the carbon market (commentary)

New app tells donors what communities need to stop deforestation: Q&A with Health In Harmony

‘Amazing first step’ as EU law cracks down on deforestation-linked imports

Can a luxury chocolate company help a Congolese forest?

Indigenous lands hold the world’s healthiest forests – but only when their rights are protected

In new climate deal, Norway will pay Indonesia $56 million for drop in deforestation, emissions

With FSC rule change, deforesters once blocked from certification get a new shot

Sustainability pledges help Indonesia produce palm oil with less deforestation

Indonesia and Norway give REDD+ deal another go after earlier breakup

Cambodian government cancels development of Phnom Tamao forest amid outcry

Does citizen ownership of natural resources hold the key to realizing deforestation commitments? (commentary)

To conserve the vibrant diversity of Central Africa’s forests, include Indigenous people (commentary)

Moore Foundation pledges extra $300m to boost conservation of Amazon

Malaysian officials dampen prospects for giant, secret carbon deal in Sabah

Is a European proposal on imported deforestation too punitive? (commentary)

Tukupu: The women of the Kariña community, guardians of Venezuela’s forests

In Madagascar, beekeepers persist in the face of fires and forest loss

Indigenous leader sues over Borneo natural capital deal

Is colonial history repeating itself with Sabah forest carbon deal? (commentary)

Details emerge around closed-door carbon deal in Malaysian Borneo

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