Avoided deforestation News

555 stories

New maps show where humans are pushing species closer to extinction

European Parliament to vote on timber legality agreement with Vietnam

The biggest rainforest news stories in 2018

Forest report points to opportunity for recovery

Forests and indigenous rights land $459M commitment

Conservation groups herald protection of tiger habitat in Malaysia

Monitoring the ambitious land restoration commitments in Africa

The forested path to climate stability (commentary)

California’s big climate change opportunity: tropical forests (commentary)

REDD+ projects database: where forest carbon emissions reduction projects are underway

Brazil hits emissions target early, but rising deforestation risks reversal

Scientists call on California governor to OK carbon credits from forest conservation

Forest communities pay the price for conservation in Madagascar

Critics say proposed changes to Mexico’s Forestry Law threaten sustainable forest management by local communities

Do environmental advocacy campaigns drive successful forest conservation?

Report finds projects in DRC ‘REDD+ laboratory’ fall short of development, conservation goals

Carol Van Strum, crusader against Agent Orange, wins prestigious environmental award

Carbon pricing could save millions of hectares of tropical forest: new study

Study: RSPO certification prunes deforestation in Indonesia — but not by much

Carbon dreams: Can REDD+ save a Yosemite-size forest in Madagascar?

Parks and reserves ‘significant’ force for slowing climate change

Birdwatching poised to take flight in Colombia, study reveals

Pandas losing ground to hungry livestock in Chinese nature reserve

Randomized controlled trial in Uganda finds that paying people not to cut down trees works

Is Brazil’s Forest Code failing to reduce deforestation?

In rare move, Brazil’s Temer ups conserved lands by 282,000 hectares

Financing sustainable agriculture possible, if terms fit farmers’ needs

Not out of the woods: Concerns remain with Nigerian superhighway

Over the bridge: The battle for the future of the Kinabatangan

Cross River superhighway changes course in Nigeria

Successful Colombian rainforest project exposes problems with carbon emissions trading

Indigenous peoples in Colombia play crucial role in the fight against climate change

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