Rebecca Kessler

657 stories

The world’s kelp needs help — less than 2% is highly protected

Salmon farms under fire on U.S. East Coast after being shuttered on West Coast

Global ocean temperatures set new record in 2024

Right whales can live to 130, but in North America they die young

2024’s top ocean news stories (commentary)

President Biden bans offshore oil and gas drilling for many U.S. waters

Atlantic puffins are perilously attracted to artificial light, new study shows

Coral destruction for toilet construction: Interview with a Malagasy fisher

A port is destroying corals to expand. Can an NGO rescue enough to matter?

Shipbreaking pollutes Türkiye’s coast despite European cleanup efforts

Hundreds of whales to be harpooned as Iceland issues new hunting licenses

Scientists, Māori experts uncover new insights into rare spade-toothed whale

‘Shifting baselines’ in Cabo Verde after 50 years of declining fish stocks

First-of-its-kind crew welfare measure adopted at Pacific fisheries summit

After historic 2024 coral bleaching, hope remains for Mesoamerican Reef

In Chile, discovery of shallowest red hydrocoral forest yet surprises scientists

Traditional fishers in Peru guard the coast from illegal fishing

Conservationists see progress for swordfish, problems for sharks at Atlantic fisheries summit

Elephant seal colonies in Argentina face long recovery after ‘catastrophic’ avian flu

Leaders fail to address overfishing near Europe at ‘fraught’ international meeting

India advances deep-sea mining technology in the Andaman Sea

Scottish salmon farms seek growth despite mounting fish deaths and environmental concerns

A father and son duo fight invasive lionfish on a Honduran reef

Mapping ‘gloop and mud’ sheds light on seabed carbon storage

Coral biodiversity hotspot at risk from fossil fuel expansion, report warns

Peruvian fishers help red sea urchins recover from overfishing

How the oceans fared at the COP16 biodiversity conference in Colombia

How a lineage of chiefs built a thriving fish oasis in Lake Malawi

Startups replace plastics with mushrooms in the seafood industry

More krill fishing and no new protected areas for Antarctic seas after latest talks

Protecting coral reefs boosts fish numbers by 10%: Study

Debate over Chile’s fisheries law exposes industry influence on fish management

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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