Shaman in the Amazon rainforest

Amasina, a Trio shaman in Kwamalasamutu, Suriname. Amasisa was interviewed by in June 2008 Much of the Amazon rainforest remains occupied by tribal groups. While few of these live…

Dancing lemurs

These male sifakas are in the midst of a territorial dispute. The dominant male is chasing off another male Verreaux's sifaka from southern Madagascar is known as the dancing lemur…

Soy in the Amazon

Soy and Amazon forest in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Since 1988 Mato Grosso has lost more forest than any state in Brazil: 133,352 square kilometers, or more than 35 percent of…

Ocellated Turkey

The Ocellated Turkey (Meleagris ocellata) is a species of turkey found in the Yucatán Peninsula, including parts of Mexico, Guatemala and Belize. Ocellated Turkeys are considerably smaller than any of…
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