Southern africa News

217 stories

Meet Cape Town’s volunteer ‘toad shepherds’

Illegal hunting threatens iconic animals across Africa’s great savannas, especially predators

South Africa hits another new record in rhino killings

Picture of the day: the maned lioness

Food prices rise as food aid needed in Middle East and Africa

Mr. Darcy and the Manic Pixie Dream Girl: monkeys display distinct personality types

Local knowledge matches scientific data on wildlife abundances

Google Earth used to discover unknown forest in Angola, scientists find it full of rare birds

Ten African nations pledge to transform their economies to take nature into account

Animal picture of the day: tracking cheetahs in Namibia

Kruger National Park loses 95 rhinos to poachers in three months

Bushmeat trade driving illegal hunting in Zimbabwe park

Animal picture of the day: giraffe spots

How do Lebombo ironwood trees fare against elephants and fire?

Ahead of meeting, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) loses another supporter

Photos: the top ten new species discovered in 2010

NASA Photos: beyond Mississippi flood, southern Africa sees record deluges

Africa’s vanishing wild: mammal populations cut in half

UN official: Zimbabwe security forces poached 200 rhinos

In midst of poaching crisis, illegal rhino horn tops gold

Language and conservation: why words matter

Camping in the Okavango Delta in Botswana

Photos: Google Earth used to find new species

Cheetah population stabilizes in Namibia with support from farmers

Cheetah population declines 90% in 100 years

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