Saving the amazon News

715 stories

Protected areas keep adjacent lands safe, but face losing their own protection

Brazil government faces heat over plan that could underreport forest fires

Bank risk policies failing to protect Amazon from oil-related threats: Report

Soy and cattle team up to drive deforestation in South America: Study

‘I am Indigenous, not pardo’: Push for self-declaration in Brazil’s census

In Rio de Janeiro, Indigenous people fight to undo centuries of erasure

In Boa Vista, Indigenous Brazilians retake their identity through education

Exhibition showcases Claudia Andujar’s half-century fight for the Yanomami

Under assault at home, Indigenous leaders get a violent welcome in Brasília

In Brazil’s most Indigenous city, prejudice and diversity go hand in hand

Farmers in the Amazon could earn 9 times more and prevent ecosystem collapse

With Indigenous rights at stake in Brasília, a territory is attacked in Paraty

Brazil’s environment minister faces second probe linked to illegal timber

US, UK join Norway and Germany in effort to protect Peru’s rainforests

Science refutes United Cacao’s claim it didn’t deforest Peruvian Amazon

Brazil court orders illegal miners booted from Yanomami Indigenous Reserve

‘Amazônia must live on’: Photographer Sebastião Salgado returns home with his new book

Brazil’s environment minister investigated for alleged illegal timber sales

After gold miners shoot Yanomani people, Brazil cuts environmental regulation further

Karipuna people sue Brazil government for alleged complicity in land grabs

Brazil’s Bolsonaro vowed to work with Indigenous people. Now he’s investigating them

Criticizing Brazil over Amazon conservation will likely backfire (commentary)

Indigenous in São Paulo: Erased by a colonial education curriculum

As climate summit unfolds, no Biden-Bolsonaro Amazon deal forthcoming

‘We are made invisible’: Brazil’s Indigenous on prejudice in the city

Nearly half the Amazon’s intact forest on Indigenous-held lands: Report

Brazil’s isolated tribes in the crosshairs of miners targeting Indigenous lands

Amazon’s Belo Monte dam cuts Xingu River flow 85%; a crime, Indigenous say

The Possible Meat: A Brazilian farmer shows ranching can regenerate the Cerrado

Big dream: NGO leads in creating 1,615-mile Amazon-Cerrado river greenbelt

Indigenous groups blast Amazon state’s plan to legalize wildcat mining

In ‘dire’ plea, Brazil’s Amazonas state appeals for global COVID assistance

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