Rainforests and Amazon News

2088 stories

New satellite readings show full extent of mining in the Amazon Rainforest

Despite severe drought, Amazon deforestation continues to slow

New online map tracks threats to uncontacted Indigenous peoples in Brazil’s Amazon

How Canada’s growing presence in Latin America is hurting the environment

EU bill and new green policies spur progress on Brazil’s cattle tracking

Amazonian Indigenous leaders call for 80×2025 at Climate Week (commentary)

‘We don’t have much time’: Q&A with climate scientist Pierre Friedlingstein

Peru signs $20-million debt-for-nature swap with focus on Amazon rainforest

Deforestation in the Amazon rainforest continues to plunge

El Niño hurts carbon storage in South America’s tropical forests, study says

How the Amazon’s ‘greatest devastator’ sold cattle to a Carrefour supplier 

Brazilian Indigenous artists take the forest to the world

A tale of two biomes as deforestation surges in Cerrado but wanes in Amazon

Ecuador referendum halts oil extraction in Yasuní National Park

Actress Leonor Varela: This Sunday, Ecuadorians can vote to protect Yasuní and send a message to the world

Tropical lakes are carbon super sinks, even more than forests, study shows

Video: Five Tembé Indigenous activists shot in Amazonian ‘palm oil war’

Can upcoming referendum in Ecuador stop oil drilling in Yasuní National Park?

Indigenous activists demand justice after 5 shot in Amazonian ‘palm oil war’

Amazon deforestation continues to fall under Lula

Amazon Summit sparks hope for coordinated efforts from the rainforest nations

AI unlocks secrets of Amazon river dolphins’ behavior, no tagging required

The Andean republics of the Pan Amazon

‘What we need to protect and why’: 20-year Amazon research hints at fate of tropics

Why should funding Amazon forest sustainability be the world’s top priority? (commentary)

Drug trafficking fuels other deforestation drivers in the Amazon: report

Six months into Lula’s presidency, Amazon deforestation is dropping rapidly

Monetizing nature: The under-explored power of the Amazon’s natural capital

An Indigenous revival in the Pan Amazon

Fishing, dams and dredging close in on Peru’s river dolphins, study shows

Climate emergency may channel millions in resources toward corn-based ethanol in the Amazon

What can the U.K. do to fight its dependence on soy?

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