Primates News

1012 stories

Madagascar: Businesses drive disappearance of a wetland ‘reed forest’

Thriving population of endangered monkeys gives hope to conservationists

Unrelated adoptions by bonobos may point to altruistic traits, study says

Did you know that stump-tailed macaques can go bald?

The Hungry Mills: How palm oil mills drive deforestation (commentary)

Slash-and-burn farming eats away at a Madagascar haven for endangered lemurs, frogs

The singing apes of Sumatra need rescuing, too (commentary)

Rescue of rare white tarsier raises fears of habitat loss, illegal pet trade

As the Amazon unravels into savanna, its wildlife will also suffer

First COVID-19 cases in zoo gorillas raise alarm about wild populations

Top positive environmental stories from 2020

A Madagascar forest long protected by its remoteness is now threatened by it

Crimefighting NGO tracks Brazil wildlife trade on WhatsApp and Facebook

Bug bites: Edible insect production ramps up quickly in Madagascar

Activists in Malaysia call on road planners to learn the lessons of history

Myanmar’s new langur species is ‘very beautiful,’ but critically endangered

Conservation must be primary goal of great ape tourism, despite COVID-driven recessions (commentary)

Podcast: Lemur love and award-winning plant passion in Madagascar

Lemurs might never recover from COVID-19 (commentary)

Marmosets trafficked as pets now threaten native species in Atlantic forest

Armed and dangerous, ‘murder lorises’ use their venom against each other

Deforestation threatens to wipe out a primate melting pot in Indonesia

Threatened species caught in crossfire of ongoing land conflict in Myanmar

Under cover of COVID-19, loggers plunder Cambodian wildlife sanctuary

Rescuing Achilles: Southern pig-tailed macaques listed as endangered but still persecuted (commentary)

‘We are losing’: Q&A with The Orangutan Project’s Leif Cocks on saving the great ape

Cameroon halts logging plans in Ebo Forest, home to tool-using chimps

Facial recognition tech for chimps looks to bust online ape trafficking

Say hello to Madagascar’s newest mouse lemur, a pint-sized primate

Endangered and endemic: Madagascar’s lemurs susceptible to coronavirus infection

For tool-wielding chimps of Ebo Forest, logging plan is a ‘death sentence’

Dam that threatens orangutan habitat faces three-year delay

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