Palm oil News

2031 stories

China invests in $5.5B biofuels project in Borneo, New Guinea

Fires in Indonesia kill 1,000 endangered orangutans

Biofuels can lead to deforestation says Unilever executive

Saving Orangutans in Borneo

Indonesia to have first biodiesel plant by 2008

High oil prices fuel bioenergy push

Why is palm oil replacing tropical rainforests?

Borneo rainforest protected, oil palm plantation canceled

Malaysia’s deforestation rate increasing rapidly – 86% jump since 1990s

Eco-friendly palm oil coming soon, criteria could result in cleaner biofuels

Bird sanctuary in Malaysia damaged by illegal logging and forest clearing

Malaysia to build palm oil biodiesel plants to counter high oil price

Palm oil plantations decimating orang-utans says report

Fires in peat lands cost climate

China funds massive palm oil plantation in rainforest of Borneo

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