Ocean crisis News

327 stories

UN Paris meeting presses ahead with binding plastics treaty — U.S. resists

Illegal trawling ravages Tunisian seagrass meadows crucial for fish

Melting Arctic sea ice is changing bowhead whale migrations, study finds

Sargassum surges in Mexico: From nuisance to new green industry?

Crud-to-crude: The global potential of biofuels made from human waste

Global Ocean Census aims to find 100,000 marine species in 10 years

Parasites of the Caribbean: Study pinpoints cause of sea urchin die-off

Norway proposes opening Germany-sized area of its continental shelf to deep-sea mining

Bringing the ocean’s vast ‘awesomeness’ to light: Q&A with Farah Obaidullah

Deep-sea mining meeting closes without resolving whether mining can start in July

Southern atmospheric rivers drive irreversible melting of Arctic sea ice: Study

Sea level rise looms, even for the best-prepared country on Earth

‘Plasticosis’: the new disease killing seabirds and likely many other species

Will new bottom trawling rules do enough to protect South Pacific seamounts?

Panama ocean conference draws $20 billion, marine biodiversity commitments

Experts pushing for high-seas fishing ban win ‘Nobel Prize for environment’

On Lombok, rising sea levels force fishers into different jobs

An El Niño is forecast for 2023. How much coral will bleach this time?

Re-carbonizing the sea: Scientists to start testing a big ocean carbon idea

Top 15 species discoveries from 2022 (Photos)

2022’s top ocean news stories (commentary)

Hunting for future-proof marine plants in the acidic waters bathing a volcano

Melting ice created the perfect storm for a rapidly acidifying Arctic Ocean

Illegal bottom trawling widespread inside Mediterranean marine protected areas

France’s Macron joins growing chorus calling for deep-sea mining ban

Negotiations to conserve Antarctic Ocean end in stalemate on many issues

Fish-feed industry turns to krill, with unknown effects on the Antarctic ecosystem

Heat-sensing drone cameras spy threats to sea turtle nests

Proposal to grant the ocean rights calls for a sea change in legal framework

Fished out at sea and smoked out on land, Senegal fishers take on a fishmeal factory

Indonesian program pays fishers to collect plastic trash at sea

‘One more thing’ about plastics: They could be acidifying the ocean, study says

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