Migration News

166 stories

Why are fewer monarch butterflies overwintering in Mexico?

Photos highlight evolving roles of AI, citizen science in species research

Super-spreaders: How the curious life of a newt could ignite a pandemic

For the birds: Innovations enable tracking of even small flying animals

In pursuit of the rare bird that vanishes for half the year

Filling in the gaps: Managing endangered species on the high seas

Wildlife’s greatest spectacle is critically endangered (insider)

Stay or go? Understanding a partial seasonal elephant migration

Tiny tags and a broad research network help track small animal movements

Satellites and citizen science pinpoint migratory bird refueling stops

Tracking elephant movements reveals transboundary wildlife corridors

Forest elephant DNA diverse, consistent, and distinct, study says

‘Better and better’: Thermal cameras turn up the heat on poachers

Cool birds don’t sing: Study automates acoustic monitoring of songbird migration

Kenyan reserve’s tourism monitoring app builds revenue and transparency

Longest recorded whale shark migration eclipses 20,000 kilometers

Noisy reefs help young fish find their home

Fish tales: Six amazing journeys to celebrate World Fish Migration Day

PHOTOS: The great Sandhill crane migration makes its annual stopover on the Platte River

New study: Radar reveals bats are a bellwether of climate change

‘Record’ number of migratory species protected at October wildlife summit

Scientists combine crowd-sourced field observations with land-use and climate models to identify steps for migratory bird protection

Brazil’s indigenous Munduruku occupy dam site, halt construction

Mangrove loss threatens migratory shorebird route in North Sumatra

Cross River superhighway changes course in Nigeria

Bordering extinction: Can technology offer ecologically-sound alternatives to the proposed U.S.-Mexico wall?

Many tree species in eastern US may be unable to adapt to changing climate, study finds

Deep-rooted migration cycles challenge green growth in Vietnam

Turkey’s wild bears migrate for food; but some bears prefer garbage dumps

Amazonian catfish’s 5,000-mile migration endangered by dams

Dams flood 36,000 hectares of Brazilian rainforest

Not all escaped fishing slaves want to go home

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