Marine protected areas News

387 stories

2024’s top ocean news stories (commentary)

We need a North Pole Marine Reserve to secure a healthy future for Arctic waters (commentary)

Coral biodiversity hotspot at risk from fossil fuel expansion, report warns

How the oceans fared at the COP16 biodiversity conference in Colombia

At COP16, the ocean needs action, not more promises (commentary)

More krill fishing and no new protected areas for Antarctic seas after latest talks

Hotel built without permits on disputed land riles neighboring Paracas reserve in Peru

Norway poised to sail past opposition with deep-sea mining licensing plans

Cambodian fishers-turned-citizen scientists monitor marine mammal deaths

In Mexico, scientists race to save Marietas Islands’ corals from ocean warming

A Mexican marine park shelters giant manta rays: Interview with Madalena Pereira Cabral

$35m debt-for-nature deal aims to protect Indonesia’s coral reefs

Argentina weighs new MPA to curb international fishing frenzy in ‘Blue Hole’

Conservationists look for new ways to fight oil pipelines in southern Mexico

Conservationists upbeat as zebra shark reintroduction in Raja Ampat gathers pace

Using immersive media to strengthen support for the environment: An interview with Wendy Schmidt

Efforts to save Cambodia’s coast tread water as fish stocks plummet

Fishers left with no land, no fish, in fire sale of Cambodian coast

Peru approves the creation of long-awaited marine protected area

Bottom trawling in U.K.’s marine reserves, legally, is apparently a thing

In Belize, flawed conservation measures threaten small-scale fishers’ livelihoods (commentary)

Small-scale fishers lose out to trawlers in race to catch Cambodia’s last fish

18 years on, how are sharks faring in French Polynesia’s shark sanctuary?

Annual ocean conference raises $11.3b in pledges for marine conservation

It will take 880 years to achieve UN ocean conservation goals, at this rate (commentary)

Rewilding program ships eggs around the world to restore Raja Ampat zebra sharks

Putting a value on Indonesia’s marine resources: Interview with Annisya Rosdiana & Heidi Retnoningtyas

Indonesia unveils plan to launch a satellite network for maritime monitoring

Should all marine reserves ban fishing? Not necessarily, new study shows

New environmental rules for Chile’s protected areas rile the salmon industry

EU parliament expresses disapproval of Norway’s deep-sea mining plans

Cambodia sea turtle nests spark hope amid coastal development & species decline

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