Iucn News

110 stories

Over 700 species added to the threatened categories on the IUCN Red List (photos)

Working to save the mystery antelope that’s little bigger than a pet cat (photos)

Bizarre, little-known carnivore sold as illegal pet in Indonesian markets (photo)

Pictures: 20% of the world’s reptiles endangered

IUCN to kick-off Green List for ‘fully conserved’ species

96 percent of the world’s species remain unevaluated by the Red List

Chemotherapy tree facing extinction

Over 80 percent of rediscovered species still face extinction

The glass is half-full: conservation has made a difference

Over 900 species added to endangered list during past year

Hyenas discovered in Armenia? Researchers find carcass, tracks

Malaysian customs seizes 1,800 trafficked reptiles

Red pandas may be threatened by small-scale trade

The march to extinction accelerates

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