Iucn News

110 stories

Fishing gear poses the greatest danger to young great whites off the West Coast of the U.S.

Longest recorded whale shark migration eclipses 20,000 kilometers

Black rhinos return to Zakouma National Park in Chad

More than 800 totoaba swim bladders confiscated by Mexican authorities in smuggling busts

More gorillas and chimpanzees living in Central Africa’s forests than thought

‘Monumental’ bust in Madagascar triggers effort to save thousands of endangered tortoises

Suspected poisoning takes down 11 lions in Uganda park

‘IUCN Green List of species’: A new way to measure conservation success

More than 40 percent of Madagascar’s freshwater life sliding toward extinction, IUCN finds

Conservationists rush to save Bolivian turtles threatened by egg trafficking

Europe’s beetle species plummet as trees disappear

Seychelles home to new species of caecilian, a legless amphibian

Study maps out reptiles’ ranges, completing the ‘atlas of life’

Five promising stories for Global Tiger Day

First ‘intrusions’ into unbroken forests drive pulses of biodiversity loss

How the World Heritage Convention could save more wilderness: Q&A with World Heritage expert Cyril Kormos

‘Crunch time for biodiversity’: Farming, hunting push thousands of species toward extinction

Jane Goodall on zoos and tech as conservation tools

Voluntary certification standards have far to go, say experts

Good news for Giant Panda, Tibetan Antelope in updated IUCN Red List

More than half of the Amazon’s tree species may be threatened with extinction

ASAP: reversing decline of critically endangered species in Southeast Asia

New study re-assesses conservation status of Peruvian amphibians

World Rhino Day arrives this year with a new cause for celebration

Does conservation work? Using the IUCN Red List to evaluate groups’ performance

Chameleon crisis: extinction threatens 36% of world’s chameleons

Gone for good: world’s largest earwig declared extinct

Of bluefin and pufferfish: 310 species added to IUCN Red List

Is there hope for the vaquita? IUCN calls for action to save world’s smallest, rarest porpoise

Desperate measures: researchers say radical approaches needed to beat extinctions

Over 350 species added to the IUCN Red List’s threatened categories in the last six months

Ground zero for endangered species: new program to assist animals on the brink across Southeast Asia

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