Herps News

808 stories

Skin in the game? Reptile leather trade embroils conservation authority

Spiny new chameleon species described from Bale Mountains of Ethiopia

Deforestation surge threatens endangered species in Tanintharyi, Myanmar

Turtle conservation hits the SPOT in North Cyprus

Slash-and-burn farming eats away at a Madagascar haven for endangered lemurs, frogs

One-hit wonder frog makes a comeback in the southern Philippines

‘Race against time’: Saving the snakes and lizards of Brazil’s Cerrado

Pet trade relies on ‘disposable’ wild chameleons from Madagascar

Top 15 species discoveries from 2020 (Photos)

[Photos] Tiny frog, venomous viper among 20 new species described in Bolivia

Alleged gov’t-linked land grabs threaten Cambodia’s Cardamom Mountains

The newest species of Philippine false gecko is the 10th (and counting)

A chameleon not seen in a century reappears in a Madagascar garden

Tradable by default: Reptile trafficking flourishes amid lack of protection

Brazilian frog believed ‘extinct’ for 50+ years, found with eDNA testing

Land grab, logging, mining threaten biodiversity haven of Woodlark Island

Stolen from the wild, rare reptiles and amphibians are freely traded in EU

Back from the brink, baby Burmese roofed turtles make their debut

Brazilian Amazon drained of millions of wild animals by criminal networks: Report

Sea turtles often lose their way, but always reach their destination

Habitat of newly described frog in Sumatra threatened by oil palms, roads

Turtles and tortoises in trouble: More than half of all species face extinction

A Sri Lankan herp mystery solved: The snake species that was two

Less than a thousand remain: New list of animals on the brink of extinction

After a century of mistaken identity, a Balinese gecko gets its own name

Audio: North America’s looming salamander pandemic: Is the U.S. ready?

One point for Slytherin: New Indian pit viper named after Harry Potter character

The frog that wasn’t there: Survey shines a light on Uganda’s amphibians

Field research, interrupted: How the COVID-19 crisis is stalling science

In Madagascar, revived environmental crime hotline leads to tortoise bust

‘Titanic challenge’ for an Italian hospital rescuing sea turtles from plastic

For nesting hawksbill turtles, this Philippine community is a sanctuary

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