Freshwater animals News

153 stories

How biological surveys prevent destructive dams in the Balkans

Popular aquarium fish from Thailand and Myanmar is new-to-science species

In Bangladesh, microplastic threat to frogs is also concern for rice farming

Conservationists aim to save critically endangered European eels on Italy’s Po River

Fewer migratory birds stopping at key Bangladesh wetland amid human disturbances

Death of last female Yangtze softshell turtle signals end for ‘god’ turtle

Spamming streams with hatchery salmon can disrupt ecosystems, study finds

‘Chasing giants’: Q&A with megafish biologist and author Zeb Hogan

Counterintuitive conservation: Fire boosts aquatic crustaceans in U.S. savannas

Scientists and fishers team up to protect Bolivian river dolphin

Loss of wetlands threatens South Sumatra’s rich fish-preserving tradition

A freshwater giant is a boon to Bolivian fishers, but an unknown for native species

Bangladesh bans suckermouth catfish in light of threats to native fish species

For key Bangladesh wetland, bid for Ramsar status is no guarantee of protection

Restore linked habitat to protect tropical amphibians from disease: Study

Banned but abundant, gillnets pose main threat to Bangladesh’s river dolphins

Unsustainable fishing to be banned in Irrawaddy dolphin’s Bornean sanctuary

‘Europe’s rarest fish’ numbers spawn hopes for species’ survival

In Nepal, a turtle that rose from the dead makes another grand entrance

Habitat loss, climate change threaten Bangladesh’s native freshwater fishes with extinction

“Largest of its kind” dam in Cameroon faces backlash from unimpressed fishmongers

Catfished: New species described from DRC after mistaken identity

Nepal’s mugger crocs face ‘senseless’ turf war over dwindling fish resources

Cambodian mega dam’s resurrection on the Mekong ‘the beginning of the end’

Human pressures strain Lake Tanganyika’s biodiversity and water quality

Wildlife lover and artist records 5 decades of change on iconic U.K. river

Gharials, most distinctive of crocs, are most in need of protection, study shows

In restoring polluted rivers, Indonesia looks at restocking endemic fish

Raise-and-release program keeping Nepal’s gharials alive can be improved, study says

Return of the king? Pakistan moves to bring gharials from Nepal to its rivers

Giant stingray caught in Cambodia is world’s largest freshwater fish

First gharial hatchlings spotted in nearly two decades in Nepal’s Karnali River

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