Food vs forests debate News

28 stories

Indonesian forestry minister proposes 20m hectares of deforestation for crops

Oman’s mountain oases offer ancient farming lessons for a warming future

In Cambodia, an official’s cashew factory churns out timber from a protected forest

Wild mushroom harvest helps keep trees standing in Mozambique

Up to half of tropical forestland cleared for agriculture isn’t put to use, research shows

Forest clearing for crop program in Papua may unleash massive emissions

Indonesia’s bid to control deforestation wildly off-target, experts say

Geography on the plate: The culinary rediscovery of Colombia’s biodiversity

Sri Lanka activists decry downgrade of non-protected ‘other’ forests by government

New rule puts Indonesia’s protected forests up for grabs for agribusiness

On a Philippine mountain, researchers describe a ‘fire flower’ orchid species

Indonesia pushes rice estate project despite environmental red flags

Some ranchers and conservationists agree: Grazing and logging can save birds

’Livestock revolution’ triggered decline in global pasture: Report

Regreening a barren Rohingya refugee camp on Myanmar’s border

Eat less meat, save species and ecosystems, says WWF UK

Financing sustainable agriculture possible, if terms fit farmers’ needs

Forests provide a nutritional boon to some communities, research shows

To improve food security, look to the forests, new report says

Wild food: scientists link forests to human nutrition

Five ways to feed billions without trashing the planet

Satellite imagery confirms Dole destroying national park land for bananas

Controversial study finds intensive farming partnered with strict protected areas is best for biodiversity

Tropical agriculture “double-whammy”: high emissions, low yields

Will it be possible to feed nine billion people sustainably?

Fertilizer prices increase 235% over past year

Biofuels can reduce emissions, but not when grown in place of rainforests

Palm oil industry moves into the Amazon rainforest

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