Extinction and climate change News

155 stories

Revolutionary new theory overturns modern meteorology with claim that forests move rain

Climate change could devastate lizards in the tropics

Salamander populations collapse in Central America

Monstrous prehistoric snake provides glimpse of warmer tropical forests

Global warming may doom emperor penguins to extinction

Symposium tackles big question: how many species will survive our generation

What is the greatest threat to rainforests: habitat destruction or climate change?

Tropical species face high extinction risk

Yellowstone amphibians in decline due to climate change

Armageddon for amphibians? Frog-killing disease jumps Panama Canal

Rainforest biodiversity at risk from global warming

52% of amphibians, 35% of birds at risk from climate change

Past climate change drove mass extinction in Pakistan

Coral susceptibility to bleaching due to small differences in symbiotic relationship

Moving species may be only way to save them from climate change

Birds face higher risk of extinction than conventionally thought

1/3 of corals face extinction

Humans, and global warming, responsible for extinction of mammoths

Global warming will significantly increase bird extinctions

Global warming may provoke evolution

Mass extinctions happen when temperatures are the warmest

European blood-sucker falls victim to global warming

Climate change claims a snail

10-20% of birds extinct by 2100 due to global warming, deforestation

Climate change leaving amphibians behind in extinction race

Protected areas must be adapted to survive global warming

Global warming could hurt salmon fisheries in Pacific Northwest

Climate change will cause biomes to shift and disappear

Extinction, like climate change, is complicated

Global warming may cause biodiversity extinction

Biodiversity extinction crisis looms says renowned biologist

Role of global warming in extinction may be overestimated

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