Extinction and climate change News

155 stories

World failing on every environmental issue: an op-ed for Earth Day

Seed dispersal in the face of climate change, an interview with Arndt Hampe

The Asian Animal Crisis

Falklands Dispute: Argentine Sovereignty Won’t Solve the Problem

Why seed dispersers matter, an interview with Pierre-Michel Forget, chair of the FSD International Symposium

Photos: Madagascar’s wonderful and wild frogs, an interview with Sahonagasy

Polar bears are newcomers on the world stage

New study: overhunting by humans killed off Australia’s megafauna

Photos: expedition in Ecuador reveals numerous new species in threatened cloud forest

Saving biodiversity ‘on the same scale’ as climate change: German Chancellor

Gone: a look at extinction over the past decade

Climate change causing irreversible acidification in world’s oceans

Photos: ten beloved species threatened by global warming

Extinctions on the rise in the Galapagos: fishing and global warming devastating islands’ species

Not just the polar bear: ten American species that are feeling the heat from global warming

Zoos call for deeper emission cuts to save life on Earth

Declaration calls for more wilderness protected areas to combat global warming

Global warming threatens desert life

Hunting across Southeast Asia weakens forests’ survival, An interview with Richard Corlett

Present day tropical plant families survived in warmer, wetter tropics 58 million years ago

Freshwater species worse off than land or marine

To save species conservationists must focus on conserving at least 5,000 individuals

Will tropical trees survive climate change?, an interview with Kenneth J. Feeley

Economic crisis threatens conservation programs and endangered species, an interview with Paula Kahumbu of WildlifeDirect

Photos: hundreds of new species discovered in Himalayan region, threatened by climate change

First comprehensive study of insect endangerment: ten percent of dragonflies threatened

New report predicts dire consequences for every U.S. region from global warming

Network of parks can save Africa’s birds in warmer world

Permian mass extinction caused by giant volcanic eruption

Study refutes criticism of polar bear listing under the Endangered Species Act

Bird migrations lengthen due to global warming, threatening species

Cutting greenhouse gases now would save world from worst global warming scenarios

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