Defaunation News

25 stories

A buffer zone for Thailand, last great hope for wildlife in Southeast Asia (commentary)

500 years of species loss: Humans drive defaunation across Neotropics

Palm oil giant Olam under scrutiny again over Gabon plantations

Conserving wildlife is key to tropical forests’ carbon storage, study finds

Debate rages over intensive oil palm farming in Gabon

At least one species has been lost on more than half of Earth’s land area

Coral reefs thrive next to rat-free islands, new study finds

African Parks backs marine reserve brimming with wildlife in Mozambique

Amazonian city drags down fish stocks in 1,000-kilometer shadow

Investigation finds ‘thriving’ rhino horn trade in Asia

Why losing big animals causes big problems in tropical forests

Vaquita survival hinges on stopping international swim bladder trade

Howler monkeys booming in Belize sanctuary 25 years after translocation

Extinct mammoths and rhinos portend a grim future in a warming climate

Birds wanted: Recovering forests need avian assist 

‘Revolutionary’ new biodiversity maps reveal big gaps in conservation

Empty seas? Scientists warn of an industrialized ocean

It’s not just extinction: meet defaunation

Desperate measures: researchers say radical approaches needed to beat extinctions

Hunting, logging could threaten long-term health of Congo forests by wiping out key animals

Deforestation rate falls in Congo Basin countries

Congolese experts needed to protect Congo Basin rainforests

Commercial bushmeat trade is devastating wildlife

Defaunation, like deforestation, threatens global biodiversity

Commercial hunting is a major threat to tropical rainforests

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