Climate change News

4427 stories

Deforestation boom in Gran Chaco raises alarm over Argentina’s forest law

Declining biodiversity and emerging diseases are entwined, more study needed

Brazil has seen a 460% increase in climate-related disasters since the 1990s

Mining dredges return to Amazon River’s main tributary, months after crackdown

Handcrafted woodwork helps save an Amazonian reserve, one tree at a time

What’s at stake for the environment in Ecuador’s upcoming election?

Kenya wildfire threatens region of rare wildlife, plant species

Researchers find microplastics for the first time in the Finnish Sámi waters

Researchers make the case for shift from economic growth to human well-being within planetary limits

Brazilian soy farms and cattle pastures close in on a land where the grass is golden

Indonesia mulls Paris Agreement exit, citing fairness and energy transition costs

Mexican fishers relocate in wake of sea level rise, raising job concerns

Amazon states lead rebellion on environmental enforcement

The warming Arctic is now a carbon source, report finds

Mineral exploitation overshadows green diplomacy in Congo’s Sangha region

Indonesia rushes mining law amendments, raising environmental and governance alarms

To conserve chimps, understand their genetic traits and local adaptations, says study

Yanomami sees success two years into Amazon miner evictions, but fears remain

Investors wary of Indonesia’s big climate promises amid record of flip-flopping

‘We’re getting back on track’: Interview with IBAMA head Rodrigo Agostinho

Coming to a retailer near you: Illegal palm oil from an orangutan haven

In Uganda, a women-led reforestation initiative fights flooding, erosion

Survey uncovers ‘wildlife treasure’ in Cambodian park — but also signs of threats

Coal gasification, an old technology, is quietly expanding across Asia

Brazil’s ‘innovative’ reforestation agenda discussed in Davos (commentary)

New study assesses threat to wildlife from cacao expansion in Congo Basin

Sustaining a 400-year-old Ethiopian farming tradition: Interview with elder Gehano Guchoir

Mining in a forest conservation site clouds Republic of Congo’s carbon credit scheme

Global ocean temperatures set new record in 2024

World’s record heat is worsening air pollution and health in Global South

Indonesian forestry minister proposes 20m hectares of deforestation for crops

After a searing Amazon fire season, experts warn of more in 2025

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