Climate change and extreme weather News

310 stories

Brazil has seen a 460% increase in climate-related disasters since the 1990s

Mexican fishers relocate in wake of sea level rise, raising job concerns

World’s record heat is worsening air pollution and health in Global South

Southeast Asia in review: 2024

Across continents, Mongabay fellows share insights from reporting in the field

Balochistan’s Gwadar city sits at the crossroads of climate and conflict

Andes glacier melt threatens Amazon’s rivers & intensifies droughts

As climate change upends Ethiopia’s pastoral wisdom, adaptations can help

Cities are climate solution leaders: Interview with Vancouver’s Gregor Robertson

Studies link stronger dengue outbreak in Bangladesh to climate change

Organizations tackle droughts, floods in Brazil by planting forests

As global fire risk rises, modern homes become toxic plastic traps

Shipping emissions reduction sheds light on marine cloud geoengineering

Calls for caution as enhanced rock weathering shows carbon capture promise

Six months after its worst floods, Rio Grande do Sul works to bounce back

As 25 Earth vital signs worsen, scientists warn of ‘irreversible climate disaster’

Drought & climate change force Ethiopia pastoralists to go job hunting

Controversial US marine geoengineering test delayed until next year

Arctic sea ice hits summer minimum; Antarctic hovers at new winter lows

Bangkok turns to urban forests to beat worsening floods

Bats & bees help ni-Vanuatu predict storms — but will climate change interfere?

Record drought in Yucatán prompts revival of ancient Maya rain ceremony

Will we be ready? Geoengineering policy lags far behind pace of climate change

Conserving & restoring waterways can mitigate extreme urban heat in Bangladesh

Cloud brightening over oceans may stave off climate change, but with risk

Uttarakhand villagers thirst for water as tourism, temps & development rise

Geoengineering gains momentum, but governance is lacking, critics say

Cerrado’s current drought impossible without human-caused climate change: Study

Scientists are racing to save South Asia’s butterflies from the threat of extinction

Don’t even study it: Geoengineering research hits societal roadblocks

Sun block: The promise and peril of solar geoengineering

As the world burns, can we learn to live with wildfire health risks?

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