Carbon finance News

613 stories

Forest communities craft recommendations for better ART TREES carbon credit standard

Mineral exploitation overshadows green diplomacy in Congo’s Sangha region

Brazil’s ‘innovative’ reforestation agenda discussed in Davos (commentary)

Mining in a forest conservation site clouds Republic of Congo’s carbon credit scheme

The state of carbon markets in 2024

Illegal timber from Amazon carbon credit projects reached Europe, U.S.

Loggers and carbon projects forge odd partnerships in the Brazilian Amazon

Climate finance must empower grassroots conservation in Africa & beyond (commentary)

We need an Indigenous conservation state of mind (commentary)

Prosecutors urge suspension of Amazon carbon projects, citing Mongabay investigation

Africa needs COP29 funding & international finance reform to manage climate change (commentary)

Study: REDD+ doesn’t work without Indigenous peoples, but fails to engage them

‘World’s largest’ carbon credit deal in the Amazon faces bumpy road ahead

Indigenous communities can decide for themselves on carbon market risks (commentary)

Cambodian carbon credit project hit by rights abuse claims is reinstated

In Nicaragua, activists challenge the value of international ‘green’ financing

Verra suspends carbon credit projects following police raid in Brazil

Top brands buy Amazon carbon credits from suspected timber laundering scam

Multilateral development banks must prioritize clean & community-led energy projects (commentary)

Land tenure lesson from Laos for forest carbon projects (commentary)

How will we know when local communities benefit from carbon offset schemes? (commentary)

False claims of U.N. backing see Indigenous groups cede forest rights for sketchy finance

Little achieved for Indigenous groups at U.N. climate summit, delegates say

Indigenous land rights are key to conservation in Cambodia (commentary)

At COP28 & beyond, fair carbon markets must be part of the climate finance solution (commentary)

Carbon credit certifier Verra updates accounting method amid growing criticism

How Indigenous peoples and local communities can make the voluntary carbon market work for them (commentary)

Control of Africa’s forests must not be sold to carbon offset companies (commentary)

Can carbon markets solve Africa’s climate finance woes?

World owes it to Tanzania to keep Eastern Arc forests standing, study shows

For the oceans, global community must fund Sustainable Development Goal 14 (commentary)

At Climate Week, guaranteeing Indigenous land rights and funding is crucial (commentary)

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