Cameras News

78 stories

Survey uncovers ‘wildlife treasure’ in Cambodian park — but also signs of threats

New brown bear ‘stronghold’ in Nepal redraws species’ range map

Collar cameras shed light on quirky baboon diet

No animals harmed as wildlife specimen collection goes digital in 3D

In Gabon, camera-trap developers find the ideal proving ground for their craft

Camera trap study shows conservation efforts ‘are working’ on Costa Rica’s Osa Peninsula: Video

Hungry like the maned wolf pup: Clips give rare glimpse of elusive canine

The cat is back: Wild Amur tigers rebound in China, thanks to govt policies

Human impacts leave reefs short on sharks and long on moray eels

Cat fight: Jaguar ambushes ocelot in rare camera trap footage

The Amazon’s short-eared dog was thought to be a scavenger. Now there’s video

Don’t cross this tiger mom: Close encounter in Russia’s Far East

Camera snaps first ever glimpse of a troop of the world’s rarest gorilla

Treetop cameras capture first known video of a wild roloway monkey

Tigers caught on camera lounging in a Jacuzzi-sized watering hole

Tool use in puffins may point to ‘underestimated’ intelligence in seabirds

Tests show multi-rotor UAVs can improve cetacean behavioral studies

Baby whale wears a camera, reveals its travel and nursing behavior: video

Conservation tech prize with invasive species focus announces finalists

Film that fish: Stereo-video speeds surveys of marine fish communities

Models, maps, and citizen scientists working to save the Great Barrier Reef

Lift-off for thermal-imaging system to estimate wildlife populations

Virtual Reality 360-degree video: An “empathy-generating machine” for conservation outreach?

Those kicks were fast as lightning: Kangaroo rats evade deadly snake strikes

Combining artificial intelligence and citizen science to improve wildlife surveys

The odor side of otters: Tech reveals species’ adaptations to human activity

A snapshot of camera traps reveals user frustrations and hopes

The good luck black cat, revealed by camera traps

Camera traps and customary wisdom help redefine bear conservation

Study finds bears react, then habituate, to drones

Drones with thermal cameras help detect camouflaged species

Top camera trapping stories of 2018

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