Cameras News

78 stories

Camera trap captures spotted hyena in Gabon national park, the first in 20 years

Crowdsourcing the fight against poaching, with the help of remote cameras

New resource for planning camera trapping, acoustic monitoring, and LiDAR projects

Bats key pollinators for durian production, camera traps confirm

Rethinking camera traps for the small, fast, and elusive

App combines computer vision and crowdsourcing to explore Earth’s biodiversity, one photo at a time

Long-term thermal imaging video surveillance records how disease affects hibernating bats

Big mammals flourish as Cerrado park’s savanna comes back

Camera trapping in the trees

Swallowing swimming pools: New sensory tags capture kinetics of lunge-feeding whales

Leopards and landmines: Post-war carnivore research in Sri Lanka

Understanding the ghost of the mountain

Want to identify that bug or beetle in your photo? Ask the crowd.

Light, long-lasting and low-cost: the technology needs of field conservationists and wildlife researchers

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