Biofuels News

377 stories

Sugarcane megaproject poses latest threat to Papua’s forests, communities

Can land titles save Madagascar’s embattled biodiversity and people?

Forests in the furnace: Can fashion brands tackle illegal logging in their Cambodian supply chains?

Villagers turn to charcoal made from bamboo to save a protected forest in Madagascar

Seas of grass may be dark horse candidate to fuel the planet — or not

Sargassum surges in Mexico: From nuisance to new green industry?

From palm oil waste to cellulosic ethanol: Indonesia’s opportunity (commentary)

Crud-to-crude: The global potential of biofuels made from human waste

As Exxon bows out, industry takes step toward sustainable algae biofuels

Jatropha: The biofuel that bombed seeks a path to redemption

A liquid biofuels primer: Carbon-cutting hopes vs. real-world impacts

Indonesia’s biofuel push must go beyond palm oil to reduce risk, experts say

Nigerian refugees in Cameroon turn biomass into charcoal to spare trees

Slick operator: Indonesian cooking oil probe may spread to biodiesel industry

For Indonesians, palm oil is everywhere but on supermarket shelves

Can the little-known tamanu tree replace palm oil in Indonesia’s biofuel bid?

Brazil’s biofuel program sputters on weak emissions accounting

From a nuisance to a benefit, ‘world’s worst weed’ finds new use as biofuel

Turning Kenya’s problematic invasive plants into useful bioenergy

Indonesia bets on biofuels over oil, but EVs could render both moot

Playing the long game: ExxonMobil gambles on algae biofuel

Biofuel in Mexico: Uphill battle against bureaucracy, organized crime

Converting biowaste to biogas could power cleaner, sustainable Earth future

Cleaning up Cambodia’s kitchens could curb deforestation, climate change

Scientists call for solving climate and biodiversity crises together

Indonesia’s biodiesel program fuels deforestation threat, report warns

Indonesian president slammed for ‘wait-and-see’ approach on climate action

Belgium-sized swath of forest faces the chop from Indonesian palm oil

Belgium bans biofuels made from palm oil, soy

Indonesia’s five most consequential environmental stories of 2020

Top Indonesian palm oil developments in 2020

Indonesia’s biofuel bid threatens more deforestation for oil palm plantations

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